Samee Haapa

Producer, Director, Performer, Artistic Researcher, DJ

Samee Haapa is a producer, director, performer, artistic researcher, and a dj.

In their performing you can see the freedom of expression of experimental contemporary dance and the precision and sense of form of traditional English actor training. They have education both as an actor and as a dancer.

As a producer, director and live art maker they have 20 years of experience especially as a maker of immersive, interactive and participatory performances.

They are also the artistic director of The Center for Everything, an anthropologist and are currently finalising their artistic doctorate in Theatre Academy at the University of the Arts Helsinki.

Samee has worked – among others – with William Petit (FRA), Tassos Stevens (UK), Katerina Kokkinos-Kennedy (AU), Bombina Bombast (SWE), Sergey Pronin (RUS), Janne Saarakkala, Petri Kekoni and Johanna Tuukkanen.


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